Satisfied or refunded

Return policy

We understand that buying online can sometimes require an adjustment. That's why we offer a simple and convenient returns policy to give you complete peace of mind.

Return within 14 days

You have up to 14 days from receipt of your order to return any item that does not suit you. We accept returns for a full refund of the purchase price, provided the items are returned in their original condition, unworn and with all accessories.

Return costs onto to the customer

Please note that return costs are the responsibility of the customer. However, our money-back guarantee ensures you have a risk-free shopping experience.

Return Conditions

Items must be returned in their original condition, with all tags intact and in their original packaging. Items worn, damaged, engraved or altered will not be accepted for return.

We are committed to processing your return quickly and efficiently to provide you with the best possible experience. To do this, we invite you to use this withdrawal form to attach with your order.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding our return policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.